I started the very first day of 2009 with mass in cathedral and followed by telematch in Catholic High school in conjunction of
We had telematch and there were around 15 groups. eg: Chinese and English Legion of Mary, Choirs, Youths, Guilds...

I represented the Potter and Clay

Puzzle matching

Red bean chopstick game


throwing rubber band
and some others boring games.

We were not champion and it's embarrassing with our slogan "sure win". But at least we took away the 3rd prize of RM5 voucher to shop in articles room :)
which group were you in?
Potter and clay~
Haha that looks like the games we had during our 'youth' times back in secondary school~
but at least you had a meaningful day spent with friends. :)
I spent mine in school =.=
Wow... someone is having fun o~
potter and clay is a working young adults ministry
no more altar server this year?
Didnt see the altar server wor. The president has ran away to Singapore :p
Can see that you've enjoyed yourself =) heard about the telematch from aunty.She went also.You met her?She is in Chinese Curia, I guess.
i enjoyed to be with friends but not the telematch. haha..
didnt see your aunty.
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