Friday, May 29, 2009

After 18 months of teaching not my major subjects, I thought I can be a little bit relax now since I have collected some questions bank, modules and produce CDs for F4 Science, Add Maths and Biology.

A phone call from SHS office at 3.02pm on Dragon Boat festival made me so down.

PK 1: Miss Ngu, come now to principal's office to meet a new temporary teacher.

Me: What happened?

PK 1: Your Ketua Panitia, Mdm THK will be transferred to her home town effective 1st June. Mr Tap (very experienced teacher) offered to take over THK's Form 5 classes but PKs and Principal dont agree. They want you to teach.

Me: ....

(Arrived school 10 min later)

Principal: (Brag ppl as usual) Miss Ngu, we trust you teach better than Tap. So, you take THK all slots (Science and Modern Maths) and temporary teacher will take over yours.

Me: Ok, I help to teach F5 Science but can I have my Add Maths back and and let the temporary teach Modern Maths.

Principal: No, It's troublesome to change time table and affect everyone.

Me: (push a smile) Oh..

Can I survive teaching all her subjects that are very new to me and start everything all over and meeting all new students in her bad classes in the hectic months ahead?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

We are aiming for squash in Olympic in year 2016

Can you spot me?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Anyone that answers the following question correctly win a bikini photo of me :p

Where is a must visit place in Phuket?

Phuket Day 4

jalan-jalan at the beach before we left Phuket

Phuket Day 3

Everyone says this is a must-see-place

CT was queuing for our very expensive tickets, can u spot him?

We're anxious!

Greeted by some pretty Thai girls

I wanted to snap the colourful disney cartoons, but he snapped our hairy legs instead.

Wondering what's fantasea all about

CT posed

I posed

A very unique place

CT, the elephant

Golden Kinnaree looks like a palace

We had our buffet in the palace

CT and lenloi

Ops, it's getting dark. Lousy camera needs a rest

Phuket day 2

2 days 1 night in Phi Phi island

we stayed here

Front view from our hotel

Beautiful beach view

Snorkelling at island near Phi Phi


Enjoying his time with the sea creatures

Proud wearing his beach pant

bye bye to Phi Phi

Phuket Day 1

Our first destination, the Monkey Cave

Taking boat to James Bond island

the popular James Bond island

Very crowded though nothing much to see, just a stone-like island

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

my mom

mil and pil


Saturday, May 09, 2009

My school sent me for 4 days course in Kuching to learn how to set questions for SPM.

Our facilitators are from Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia

My group members for Science subject

Some newly met good friends

It was a great experience from the course itself and met new friends who shared their teaching experiences in different schools throughout Malaysia.
