Friday, May 29, 2009

After 18 months of teaching not my major subjects, I thought I can be a little bit relax now since I have collected some questions bank, modules and produce CDs for F4 Science, Add Maths and Biology.

A phone call from SHS office at 3.02pm on Dragon Boat festival made me so down.

PK 1: Miss Ngu, come now to principal's office to meet a new temporary teacher.

Me: What happened?

PK 1: Your Ketua Panitia, Mdm THK will be transferred to her home town effective 1st June. Mr Tap (very experienced teacher) offered to take over THK's Form 5 classes but PKs and Principal dont agree. They want you to teach.

Me: ....

(Arrived school 10 min later)

Principal: (Brag ppl as usual) Miss Ngu, we trust you teach better than Tap. So, you take THK all slots (Science and Modern Maths) and temporary teacher will take over yours.

Me: Ok, I help to teach F5 Science but can I have my Add Maths back and and let the temporary teach Modern Maths.

Principal: No, It's troublesome to change time table and affect everyone.

Me: (push a smile) Oh..

Can I survive teaching all her subjects that are very new to me and start everything all over and meeting all new students in her bad classes in the hectic months ahead?


Iris said...

Unfair things happened.Hug, "jia You" Ame.

jani said...

sure you can, jia you ame.
since the school trusted you better, you are sure to be capable to do it.

amelia said...


HuiHui said...

Modern maths is so much easier than add maths.. why not happy? unless the class is much lousier. which class you teach in F4 vs F5?

amelia said...

art stream lousy classes.

jani said...

its not about the subject is harder or easier...
if poor students who can't even memorise the multiples, its very tough to teach them even basic calculations.
and these group of students are those who have given up in studies....