Saturday, December 31, 2011
Life is hard at the moment in this unfamiliar place with the school that I really dont like and depressing subjects that Im given to teach. I had a dream asking God why my life had turned upset. He answered that I picked my own choice. He is true.
Monday, December 05, 2011
I have been too proud and self pitied for the past months because I think my life was suck living together with my parents in law right after wedding and my husband was leaving myself to cope with a lot of uncertainties of the future in that home.
My parents in law have been too well to me yet there're times I felt suffocated and prayed hard enough for God to free me to that place (JB) which it has been expected to be far worse. I did not care.
When I got my transfer letter, I was on top of the world! I left finally. But the happy days far from home to be near my husband did not last. I greatly missed all the conveniences at home!
My mil called several times a day at first and I thought she was over-protecting. Later she told that the house has been so quiet and she wasn't get used of the loneliness. Her confession made me so miserable. I was really bad.
4 weeks later, I have chance to come back home again (for packing) to move out real. My feeling was so different now. Home is the best.
I was moved to tears when they welcomed me with cheerful wave at the airport, warm dinner readied (with my fav fish), they moped, changed bedsheet and curtains in the room (they never done those before the maid left).
I regretted I have taken their love for granted.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Exactly 4 years plus 1 week ago, it was like striking Supreme Toto after having sleepless nights. Never ever came to mind that I would be sent to Sacred Heart school among 24 schools in Sibu. God is so great to fulfill my first posting wish that 100% came true.
Could it happen again? I hate this feeling.
I heard transfer result will be out in 24 hours and 15 minutes later. If I get it, Where? Which town? School? If dont get it, what's next move? I have to wait another year to apply again. But I cannot wait to move out from here ...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
My married friends often share how much they miss their mom's home dishes. Every time when they go home (nian-jia), their moms would cook a table of their favourites.
For me now, my home is where I try making out my new recipes weekly. And my special mom is always so supportive. She loves whatever I bake, steam or cook. She would finish up the failures that I made.
This morning I told mom: Now, I will show you how to make pumpkin cake. Watch carefully and learn. Make sure you make this for your mil too.
As usual, mom would reply : Ah, easy job lah, Mix all the ingredients and it will always nice! (Dad laughed at her because he agreed that she didnt make any.)
Ta laaaaa,..... my pumpkin cake with onion, mushroom, meat and dried prawn turned out to be awesome!
My mil has a very demanding taste buds. She never compliment any food I made before, therefore I dont dare to ask how's it. The most I would ask: Can it be eaten, and usually she just nod. The best she liked is the Guo Dong (Jelly with fruits).
Today should be a day inside my history book :p
Without inviting her, she tried my pumpkin cake when I was not around. When I reached home, she told me it was VERY VERY GOOD. =D
Monday, September 05, 2011
I was trying to bake a pandan layer cake because it's both fathers' favourite but not really successful. The artificial pandan juice taste weird.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
First trial of baking marble cake. Nice but a bit uncooked in the middle. I miss the childhood butter cake mom baked during CNY to give away to relatives.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday, May 08, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Can guess who is he? My fault for that blur photo! His fans were rushing towards him to snatch pic and get his signature when he was down stage. When I was only 1 meter near him, among all the flashes, he focused mine! I got too nervous. Gosh! :(
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
It's Valentine again! I am waiting anxiously (like young girls out there) for the next Valentine to be celebrated because haven't experienced it yet.
Nevertheless, it is happy to receive gifts once a while especially big surprise like this one. Taa laaa...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I started dating at the age of 23. After my wedding, mom began to pressure him to find a girl friend. One day, she called me when she found a girl's photo in his drawer. :)
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Too bad we don't like raw seafood like sashimi and prawns.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
View our wedding photos here
Monday, January 03, 2011
Sound humorous. This morning a colleague wrote me a note: MOTHER?
I didn't know what she meant until I saw some were looking at me eagerly. They must be thinking I am expecting now. Few days back, Mom also asking when is my period. She then don't allow me to take cough syrup though I told her my period hasn't past.
I am pale because have been sick for two days and my "shape" changes because I gained some weight during holiday. Nothing else.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
I realise I can't measure whether I have accomplished last year's goals. Therefore I need to state more specifically this year.
1) Read 3 new books.
2) Lose 2kg.
3) Save RM1 000 monthly.
4) Attend novena at least once a month and weekly bible study.
5) Tell less lies.