Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cassandra Lim & Eric Ng

There was a joyous wedding celebration of my cousin yesterday. I was supposed to sing together with my choir group during her wedding service, but was assigned to be the commentator at the eleventh hour. The service was poorly organised, as the bride and bridegroom hardly understand our English priest, Fr Ferdinand Veerger and their booklet has a few important mistakes like they didn't include in the marriage pledge. So I, the first time commentating "kelam kabut" but then everything was under control and it all ended well. I felt so consoling to receive well done praise from the choir after service. :p

Oh no, I complained and commented about people's weddings everytime! The MC for last night dinner was a terrible one! Plus, two hired singers who claimed themselves to be 'prince and queen singers' had their concert on stage for the night! Plus, MC kept praising the queen singer who is beautiful and has good voice instead of the bride :(

My sister's wedding was so 'perfectly' organised and I think it's the best wedding i have ever attended in Sibu :p

Nevertheless, the bride, my cousin turns up to be very beautiful in wedding gowns. She is pretty and SLIM as usual. This is a big motivation for me.


HuiHui said...

quick quick.. i want to see the wedding photos. how about ah wong's wedding? got photos ar?

emm.. since you're the best wedding planner in town, :) then we should be expecting something very grand huh? ..with the skill and $$$ you have.

amelia said...

you are kidding. im very cincai type, wont have grand wedding. no money too.
ah wong's wife looks like his sisters face :p I dont have softcopy.