I was recently busy with the camp which was held during Raya break. It's the first Sibu YCS inter-schools camp.

I spoke as the coordinator of Sibu YCS..

It was a tough one since I don't have any committee members but just two helpers. Thanks to Jarnice and Casimir (Youth Congress leaders) for guiding me.

We invited an international speaker, Teh Ah See from Penang.

The 76 participants were from various schools in Sibu, Kapit and Sarikei.
Some of the activites were:

p/s: can anyone spot me?

Sing and dance

Talent night

Washing of feet

Taize prayer
On the last night:

We had 爱心晚餐 which they ate in pairs with eyes or hands tied up.

The cripples and the blinds have to find own ways to feed one another

All had fun but many went hungry for the night because it's diificult for them to eat

Jarn and I wanted to join the fun earlier by deciding she becomes the blind and me, the cripple, but we were both too hungry that night so gave up.
yea, sure can spot you, just bit far.
you organised the whole thing by your own?
glad u can spot me :)
luckily fr gave me full support
I smiled when I was looking at your photos...They reminded me of our good old days.It's a great experience and I'm pretty sure that you have learnt a lot through it. =)
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