Monday, January 04, 2010


"They are observing you, be careful!"

I must be a good actress for the first day of school or probably for the week.

Trap 1
Student: Go toilet.
Me: Ask in full English.

Asking properly, teacher can I go to the toilet, please
is difficult for boys. A good idea if you don't want them to loiter outside classroom.

Trap 2
Student: wit..wit (whistling), mei nu (pretty teacher) is here.

They are testing. If I smile, doomsday for the year!

Trap 3
Student 1: I don't bring book cause I don't get the time table yet.
Student 2: I don't buy book yet cause my father hasn't get his pay.

No mercy! Forgive and they will not bring their books anymore. Forgive either one, they cursed you unfair.


HuiHui said...


Janice said...

yea, I was observed today. Bad impression >.<

amelia said...

i was given them a good impression on my first day, judging by nobody dare make noise :p
hope it lasts at least one month