Went for Methodist's concert at Wesley hall with mil last night.

RM20 perhead.

叶凌, the impressive violinist played Allegro Brillante-T. Haff and Interlude-P.Mascagni

李端玲's awesome pieces: Liberstraum-F.Chopin

My first impression when the grace singers stepped on stage was, Oh my, can they sing?
They amazingly raised the roof with triumphant oratorios!
wow, new theme! nice nice.
so can I put your blog in my blog roll liaw ah?
Nice theme.You download from the free blogspot webpage?I tried before but must have certain software, so in the end, just forget anout it =p
sorry, many spelling mistakes in my previous comment =p Typed too fast.
My sis told me to get from here http://btemplates.com/
I went to the website and downloaded a few themes that i like a lot, only to find out that it can't be used for my blog as i'm using word press.
Haiz, now i start to think wordpress is NO good at all...
limited choice on templates and very few are acceptable.
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