Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Busy yet lonely?

I'm experiencing loneliness though having busy schedules and consequently had gained some weight because tend to eat more when the mood swing.

Looking forward something to kill boredom. Example:

Can I dance?


HuiHui said...

it will make you more busy and more lonely.

Janice said...

filling up ur time doesn't do any help to ur loneliness.
find out the cause.

PY said...

Luckily you are posted in Sibu with parents around...
Imagine if you are posted to ulu with nobody, no tv, no radio, no handphone and some more bf don't want to register to get you out from there...

You should be thankful....

amelia said...

Hui: why?
Jani:no root cause
PY:got such bad bf?

HuiHui said...

because like janice said, loneliness can not really be solved with activities & human contact ( i mean since you have plenty of human contact everyday ). find root cause or do something meaningful/fulfilling to you, not just any activities to fill the time.

amelia said...

fulling activities? mmm.... shopping and watching dramas! but those are wasting times.

Iris said...

Everything happens for a purpose. There is a cause which made something happened. Instead of looking "out there", maybe you can try to look "in there". :)

Janice said...

1: you're not satisfied/sick with current situation. eg job/relationship/family
2: you hardly find someone to share life happenings with. eg close friends/bf around.
3: you have no desired dreams to be achieved at, or you didn't try to achieve.

just guess.

amelia said...

jani, i think is no. 1 & 2 plus opposite of no. 3, unfulfilled dreams.

HuiHui said...

i know d - mid life crisis! :)

HuiHui said...

oppsss.. sorry, it should be quarter-life crisis